
We’re somewhat latecomers to the trend of health smoothies and juices, which over the several years have proliferated chains of expensive juice bars. And now we’re hooked, as it’s a delicious way to consume available raw greens and fruits - whether foraged, harvested or store-bought - and it’s fast to make. Below is our “go to” recipe that can make almost any raw greens go down deliciously (great for kids too)!

Investment in a decent blender is key, and New York magazine’s The Best Blenders article provides a good range of brands and prices. In addition to smoothies, a blender also allows you to make various soups or purees from fresh ingredients - just mix, heat up in a pot, and salt to taste.

“Go to” smoothie recipe (~5 cups):


  • 2 ripe bananas

  • 2 cups frozen blueberries (fresh is good too, in which case adding some ice cubes or crushed ice will make it more refreshing)

  • 2 fist-full of greens - we recommend mixing various greens to balance the taste; below are some favorites:

From garden, farm stand or store:

  • kale (any type, lacinato less preferred)

  • spinach

  • Swiss chard


  • Dandelion greens

  • Lamb’s quarters

  • Mallow

  • Red or wood sorrel (best mixed with other greens)

  • Clover (best mixed with other greens)

  • Plantains (young/baby leaves only; best mixed with other greens)

Instructions (5 mins)

  1. Place all ingredients into blender

  2. Add 1/2 cup of water (or less depending on amount of ice used)

  3. Blend and adjust to taste (e.g. if greens taste overpowering, you can add more berries or bananas).


  • Site/Video: How To Make A Tasty Green Smoothie Every Time by Sergei Boutenko

  • Book: Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko shares her journey to realizing the benefits of raw food and how it helped her family overcome health challenges. Smoothies provide an easy way to get the nutrients and minerals our bodies need to eliminate toxins and correct nutritional deficiencies.